Vince Miller took this picture at the 1992 U.S. Sports Nationals in Ephrata, Washington. At the time Bob Klemmedson was the pilot/owner.
The above picture was provided by Sergius Kohudic the present owner. Current empty weight has increased to 651.5 lbs. due to more paint and the addition of a transponder and extra battery. A hydraulic actuated flap system was added some time ago and functions flawlessly. It also contributed to the weight gain. The aircraft is quite tail heavy and requires considerable lead ballast when Sergius flies it solo, as his weight is much lighter than the design allowed. In addition to the primary instruments, the panel incorporates a Delcom VHF Comm radio, a Dittel LX-2000 Flight Computer, a Filser LX-400 GPS Datalogger, and a Terra Transponder and Encoder. Max. gross weight is 1000 lbs. yielding a payload of 348.5 lbs.