.P. 0. Box 488
Williams County Airport
Bryan, Ohio 43506
1. Pre drill skin rivet holes in skin attaching flanges of all bulkheads. Check drawing for location of holes in No. 1 Bulkhead.
2. Check steel frame for squareness, proper angle of bend at the seat back and freedom from twist.
3. Secure frame to two sawhorses, bottom side up.
4. Clamp No. 14-480-5 bulkhead plywood template into position with No. 14-480-5 bulkhead temporarily attached with small sheet metal or wood screws (# 4 x 1/2 inch)
5. Attach plywood back up plate to No. 1 bulkhead and place in position on frame.
6. Install 3- #4 x 3/8 inch sheet metal screws through No. 14-480-1 bulkhead into backside of forward frame cross member to hold bulkhead in position.
7. Place main skin over frame and bulkheads and clamp into position.
8. Make sure that skin centerline falls on No. 14-480-1 and No. 14-480-3 bulkhead centerlines.
9. Insure that forward extreme end of true skin contour extends over trim line on center of No. 1 bulkhead flange.
10. Slip nose cone over forward end of main skin and align so that bottom centerline cone and main skin form a continuous smooth flowing line. Hammer inside of nosecone on both sides while holding against a steel bar to stretch metal to fair into fuselage main skin at proper angle on right and left sides.
11. Insure that centerline of cone is on centerline of fuselage in the vertical plane.
12. Scribe around rear edge of cone onto main skin.
13. Trim main skin on scribe line.
14. Make sure that No. 140480-5 bulkhead is square with the frame plane aft of the seat and drill skin from inside out. Rivet in place.
15. Align No. 14-480-1 bulkhead so that centerlines between holes in flanges are on forward edge of main skin.
16. Drill through skin using rear holes in No. 14-480-1 bulkhead flange with doubler plate in place.
17. Remove skin, clean chips, reinstall and rivet in place.
18. Fit nose cone, drill and rivet in place.
19. Install bulkhead No. 14-480-4D in position, check squareness to belly centerline and insure that top flange is parallel to plane of the rear fuselage frame. Drill and cleco.
20. Mark guidelines for bulkheads No. 14-480-4A R and L on belly skin and No 14-480-5 bulkhead.
21. Install angles 14-477 R and L and 14-478 R and L. Be sure to set angles back 0.040 from lines to allow for the thickness of bulkheads so that the wheel well will be a full 9 inches wide inside.
22. Check bulkheads 14-480-4A R and L for identical shape then put them in position. The edges contacting the seat back must be parallel to insure that bulkhead No. 4 will fit properly. Drill and cleco to angles.
23. Install angles on forward sloping edges which will contact bulkhead 4.
24. Fit bulkhead No. 14-480-4 into position by bending flange tabs to fit main skin. Insure that bottom flange lies on flange of No. 14-480-4D bulkhead. Drill through side flanges into main skin only after checking crosswise flatness of seat back at opposing flanges by the use of a straightedge.
25. Trim out corners of bulkhead 14-480-4E to fit fuselage frame. Insure that this bulkhead makes a 90 degree angle with the rear fuselage frame plane. Drill and cleco in place.
26. Drill and cleco bulkhead No. 14-480-4 to wheel well bulkhead angles.
27. Remove bulkhead No. 14-430-4 and install bulkheads No. 14-480-4R, 14-480-4L and 14-480-4B. Make certain that the distance between bulkheads 14-480-4A, R and L is not altered to upset the fit of holes already drilled in the seatback.
28. Mark the position of bulkhead 14-430-2 and 14-480-3 on the main skin centerline. Place a sheet metal template, Part No. 14-T-1 between the two bulkheads and drill the center flange hole of each bulkhead into the skin centertine. With spacing template still in place square up top flange of No. 14-480-3 bulkhead with skin conterline and drill remaining flange to skin holes. Move template out to ends of bulkheads and drill remaining No. 14-480-2 bulkhead flange holes.
29. Trim seat to size, hold in place and trace edges onto outer skin.
30. Fit seat side angles to skin in 2 inch lengths. Drill and rivet to skin.
31. Trim No. 14-459-1 floorboard to fit flanges of No. 14-480-1 bulkhead. Insure that it is parallel to frame crossmember then drill and cleco in place.
32. Install remaining floor boards.
33. Check bulkheads 14-455R and 14-455L for proper length to fit between bulkheads 14-480-2 and 14-480-3 then rivet together using 2 lengths of 1/2 x 1/2 square aluminum tubing and pop rivets.
34. Fit tow release parts into this assembly.
35. Drill rivet and pivot holes into part Nos. 14-437 and rivet to bulkheads 14-480-2 and 14-480-3. Make sure that clearance is provided for the flanges of the tow release assembly.
36. Install tow release assembly.
37. Install cable fairleads to flange of bulkhead No. 14-480-4D.
38. Install Landing gear pivot plates in bulkheads 14-480-4A R and L.
39. Drill and ream holes through pivot plates and bulkhead assemblies.
40. Rivet up all items in wheel well area.
41. Fit, drill and cleco curved angles to bulkheads 14-480-4B and 14-480-5 and skin.
42. Cut out wheel well opening skin.
43. Check aft clearance on tire by raising and extending landing gear.
44. Rivet fore and aft curved angles in place.
45. Install doors.
46. Join front and rear fuselage sections as per instruction sheet.
47. Install elevator push-pull tubes.
43. Install elevator bellcrank assembly on back of No. 14-480-5 bulkhead.
49. Install rear aileron pulley assembly.
50. Install control stick.
51. Install aileron pulleys on No. 14-480-3 bulkhead.
52. Rivet bulkheads No. 14-480-2 and 14-480-3 and tow release assembly to skin.
53. Install instrument pedestal.
54. Install rudder bar pulley assembly.
55. Install control cables.
56. Install rudder pedals and rivet bulkhead to skin.
57. Fit connecting links from rudder bar to pedals.
58. Install landing gear retracting system.
59. Mount wing on fuselage as per instructions.
60. Install aileron bellcrank and pushrod assemblies.
61. Install flap operating assembly.
62. Install wheel brake assembly.
63. Fit canopy frames to fuselage. Bend hoops to fit at front and rear of fuselage as well as where they mate together. Allow 1/16 inch for glass attaching angles at each and of each of the three canopies and bottom edges of front and center canopy sections.