Dan Rihn sent this HP-11A/T picture. It is owned by Tom Priestley of La Quinta, (near Palm Springs) CA. Tom and Dan are old friends. They used to work together at Northrop Grumman, Tom retired 5 years ago.
Recently Dan got back into soaring and has been having a great time. Tom has offered Dan 1/2 interest in the HP-11. They will be flying out of Hemet, CA this spring.
Currently it is out of license and Tom has been doing lots of odds and ends to get it back in shape. Dan will do the annual on it very soon.
The HP was built in San Diego by Elton and Stephen Ballas. First flight was by Elton on January 20, 1967. In the May 1978 Soaring there was an article about a group of three fellows who bough it from Elton, they were based in North Carolina. It passed hands a few times and found its' way back to Southern California. The HP-14 style T tail was added sometime after the first flight.