These pictures were provided by Ken Seymour (that is Ken in the cockpit) and appear to have been taken in the Palouse region of Eastern Washington or Northern Idaho.
The wings of this HP-11 were built by Richard Schreder. The craft is equipped a lockable tailwheel, quick release tie-down rings, A-14 oxygen system, Bayside radio, Winter speed to fly combination variometer and airspeed indicator (just keep the needles matched) and other standard instruments. The parachute is a military design that has been retrofitted with an improved canopy. The brake lever is a bicycle design located on the center stick.
N2481B has been in service since 1966 and, at the time of this writing, had logged about 1200 hours of flight time. It is transported on an open trailer.
In an email received February 13, 1998 Ken wrote:
"I flew the HP-11 as my 1st solo glider from ‘90-94 out of Pullman-Moscow Airport, enjoying it immensely. I pushed my X-C flights enough to land out about 1/15th of the time, which was always successful, mostly at farmers’ airfields but several fallow & 1 wheat field as well. I moved to Reno at the same time that I bought a DG-800; the main reason for the motorized DG was difficulty obtaining tows with a disintegrating club in Pullman. It expands my range somewhat, but I can’t say I’m having any more fun!"
Here are some pictures recently taken by Fred Galloway. Click here for detailed flight history.