Five To Match
(Photos by Dick Stouffer)
Five ambitious sportsmen have been working weekends building their Schreder HP-11A sailplanes in a special workshop above a veterinary clinic in Lake Zurich, Ill.
The project involves assembly line type production of five separate sailplanes, all having a length of 21 ft and a span of 52 ft. Construction has been underway for two years, and is about finished. The team is headed by Dr. John Wawirka, EAA 13554, of PO Box 62, Lake Zurich. Other members of the team include Edward Mahle of Long Grove; Burton C. Meyer of Chicago; Victor H. Heurlin, Jr., EAA 32877, of Mount Prospect; and, Robert Hupe of Somonauk. Hupe is a former Luftwaffe pilot, and winning participant in National Soaring meets.
All of the builders work together in making jigs, parts, etc. and in assembling the various components where helping hands are needed. Otherwise, each works on his own projects.
Cost estimates place each sailplane in the $2,000-$2,500 price range.
(Sports Aviation, April 1967 - Page 41)
Five tail cones are visable in this picture, which also shows the huge size
of the loft workshop. The cleco fastened tail cone in the forground awaits
Dr. John Wawirka bucks rivets for Victor Heurlin, as they work on the
tail cone assembly of one fo the five HP-11A sailplanes. Home that the
bucket Victor is sitting on didn't cut the hose.
Dr.Wawirka checks the cone of his Schreder HP-11A fuselage for squareness.