Wing Project
The following pictures are a chronology of Udo Rumpf's new wing design which uses a modified HP-18 spar, foam ribs and bonded skins. The techniques Udo uses can be applied to HP-16, RS-15 and HP-18 wing construction.
The fist item in to be constructed was the work table. Udo chose to support the table with two wood joist, 24 ft x 12" high, which he purchased for $143.00 including 15% tax and delivery. He made the table 2ft wide to work on the spar. Later he added the spar holding tool and support templates to assist installation of the foam ribs. The table can be blocked on saw horses, or in Udo's case he made a welded support with wheels and adjustable screws to level the table each time it is moved.
The flaps of this Udo designed airfoil are only 15% of the chord and the ailerons are 1/2 of the span. This requires the additional construction complexity associated with spoiler installation. Water is carried in the wing spar as well as the fiberglass tanks.